When it’s love, you just feel it….the way you feel about your Harley Davidson is pretty special. With that in mind, you want to take good care of it so that it runs like new every time you ride.
Part of keeping your motorcycle running its best is regularly scheduled oil changes. What are the signs that your motorcycle needs an oil change? Let's take a look so you know before you rev up for your next road trip.
4 Signs Your Harley Needs an Oil Change
Look for these signs as indicators that it is time to make the call to schedule a service appointment with the pros at BJ’s Cycles:
The Consistency of Your Oil
Take a look at the oil that you have currently in your bike. Would you describe it at dark black in color or gritty in consistency? If so, it is a sure sign you need an oil change.
Your Oil Gage is Indicating Low
We know this seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the good times while riding and racking up the miles. Double check your gage and make sure that it is not below the minimum amount.
You have Lights on your Dashboard that are Consistently On
That pesky light on your motorcycle's dash that just will not turn off? It is possible it is a malfunction-it has been known to happen. But it could be a very clear indicator that your bike is ready for a fresh oil change.
Your Engine is Running Louder than Normal
We figure that you are pretty in tune with how your bike sounds. If you notice that the engine is up a few decibel levels and is running louder than you are used to, give us a call to check it out for you, we can determine if oil is the cause, or if something else is going on.
Bel-Ray Semi-Synthetic Oil: Nothing But the Best at BJ's Cycles
Did you know that Bel-Ray Semi Synthetic oil has more Synthetic content in it than Harley Davidsons Syn3? Bel-Ray provides exceptional component protection, increased horsepower and has premium anti-wear properties.Great for your next oil change!

When in Doubt, Let's BJ's Cycles Check it Out!
At BJ's Cycles, proudly serving Des Moines, IA and the surrounding areas, we know Harley Davidsons. Your motorcycle is our priority because we share your love of riding, If you have any doubts when you had your last oil change, or know that it is time for your regular oil change, we are here to get it done for you. Got questions about your bike? We have answers! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or for any questions that you have-we look forward to hearing from you!
Call 515-823-4050 or fill out our contact form and we will get right back with you. You can also contact us through Facebook!